2023 term 2 reporting

July 07, 2023 0 comments

7 July 2023

Dear parents and caregivers,

Term 2 reporting to families/caregivers

Reports will be available through Compass as of 7 July. You will find information on how to access these reports using the Compass mobile app at the end of this letter (scroll down).

This is a great time to review your child’s achievement and to reflect on what could be done to improve this achievement for year-long subjects. It is important to note a ‘C’ grade shows the student is achieving as expected. ‘A’ and ‘B’ grades show the student is achieving at a higher level than expected. This level of achievement is not easy to demonstrate and should be commended. Grades of a ‘D’ or ’E’ indicate the student is not achieving at the level expected for their year level. There is time to improve grades of this level in year-long subjects.

Below are some improvement strategies that could be useful:

• when absent from class it is essential to keep up to date with instructions and assignments on Canvas and Compass
• submit all assignments on time, even if they have not been completed
• act on feedback, particularly the feedback given for drafts or practice tasks
• ask for help from teacher/s and/or their support SSO/s
• attend after-school study sessions

All reports will be available on Compass as a printable PDF. These reports now include:

• a brief description of what has been taught in each subject
• an A to E grade for the subject
• attendance information for each subject
• overall attendance rate
• information on three learning dispositions; effort, organisation and respect, for each subject.

The learning dispositions have been assessed using a 1 to 4 scale.

1: Always
2: Usually
3: Sometimes
4: Rarely

Where a student is eligible for a modified grade, the modified grade box will indicate that this has occurred. This information has been communicated with those students and their families/caregivers prior to receiving their report. In limited circumstance, some students may be non-graded (NG) for a subject/s. Families/caregivers of these students would have been contacted regarding this.

I remind students and families/caregivers they can also contact teachers to discuss student achievement, progress and growth early next term.

You can find information about individual assessment tasks on Canvas.

The overall grade you may find in Canvas for a subject may not match the grade in the Compass report. This is because we are using the Australian Curriculum standards to assess year 7 to 10 subjects and the SACE performance standards for years 11 and 12, as required. Canvas uses a mathematical algorithm to calculate the overall grade. This algorithm is not supportive of standards-based assessment practice. Please be assured the Compass grade is the accurate overall grade for each subject.

If you require assistance in accessing Compass or Canvas, please contact our ICT Support Team via email: dl.0910.ictadmin@schools.sa.edu.au or by phone on 8255 7566 prior to the end of the term.

I would also like to take this opportunity to remind families/caregivers that Course Counselling occurs in term 3. Please keep an eye out for information about this process in early term 3.

I wish all our students and families/caregivers an enjoyable break and I encourage our year 12 students to use some of this time to work on major assignments and to study previous topics covered this year in preparation for any end of year examinations.

Yours sincerely,

Karen Bond


Accessing the semester reports

1. From the home screen, click on the ‘View Academic Reports’ item or navigate to the ‘Student Profile’ and click the ‘Reports’ tab.

2. A list of ‘Academic Reports’ will be displayed. Click the report title to download the PDF.

CLICK HERE to download this letter

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